Lindsell Business Solutions has extensive experience of providing services in support of corporate transactions and funding. This can form part of a wider Interim CFO role or be a project in its own right.
Corporate Finance actions require a strategic view of a company’s position, its value, financial circumstances, prospects and shareholder objectives. This might for example lead management to an acquisition, part or total disposal, refinancing or fundraising. As these are one off activities, management frequently needs external resources to advise and assist in the process.
Situations for which Lindsell Business Solutions have acted include:
Corporate finance experience has included:
A private equity backed company: Carried out vendor due diligence ahead of exit deal, highlighting issues for resolve ahead of company being presented to purchaser.
A subsidiary of a quoted company: valued acquisition targets using detailed cash flow modelling and valued the company itself which formed the basis for its disposal to a multi-national.
A quoted company. With advisors and board, negotiated and executed total disposal of the business in a complex three way transaction.